Bay Region IV School Support & Improvement Center


Volume 3, Number 1, March 1998

Serving Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa,
San Francisco, San Mateo and Solano
County Offices of Education and School Districts

Why do SWP?

By Joan Davies, Director, Bay Region IV School Support & Improvement Center

It's important to get some perspective on the Schoolwide Program (SWP) improvement process at the core of new approaches to Title I. In the context of the State of California's mandated PQR (Program Quality Review) and CCR (Coordinated Compliance Review) processes, SWP gives individual schools the funding flexibility to customize their curricula in ways that truly have an impact on student learning. Our children deserve no less from us.

SWP requires strong, persistent commitment from school leadership teams, to examine and upgrade the quality of instruction, curriculum, professional development and parent involvement. Bay Region IV is determined to provide support to Bay area districts and schools that are willing to take on the challenge to make change happen for our students.

"Three-fourths of American teens recently
surveyed said they would pay more attention
to their school work and learn more
if standards were raised and consistently enforced."

-EdSource, Nov. 1997

Director's Corner

One of our key initiatives this spring is the School-wide Planning Institute. We've been impressed by the school and district leader-ship teams that are participating. These teams include parents, an essential part of any school-wide improvement effort. Here is an overview of the institute.

• The purpose of the Institute is to help school communities prepare for schoolwide change.

• Participating schools receive relevant materials, professional workshops and follow-up support.

• School teams must include at least one teacher and one parent, and must be willing to commit time and resources to a comprehensive planning process.

Front Page

Standards, Assessment & Evaluation

Teaching & Learning

Parent/Community Involvement/Links

Professional Development

Funding & Governance 

Joan Davies, Director, Bay Region IV School Support Center, (510) 670-4170