Making Sense in ESL:
A Set of Three Rhetorical Structures

by Robert Bruce Scott, May, 1988

ERIC Document Numbers: ED 342 267 or FL 020 134
In: Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics. Vol. 13
13 pages

Essays; Grading; Individualized Instruction; Rhetoric; Standard Spoken Usage; Writing Skills; Course Descriptions; Curriculum Design; Discourse Analysis; English; Second Language Instruction; Student-Centered Curriculum
A framework is presented for syllabus design in English-as-a-Second-Language ESL instruction. A case is given for a discourse level focus in the ESL classroom, from beginning stages of learning through advanced levels. Following this, three rhetorical modes (critical analysis of fiction, truth-searching logical conversation, and classical argumentative essay writing) are suggested as the central activities in a context-based, textbook-free, and highly individualized ESL program. The use of Mohr's discourse chart is discussed, and a conversation grading chart is presented. Contains 8 references.

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